Sailing Distances and Times

Appoximate Sailing Times Between Local Destinations

If heading from SPYC to a port beyond Charlevoix, allow 2 hours to get into Lake Michigan.
Trip Time in hours @ given speed(speed shown in mph)
From To Dist (miles) 4 5 6 7 <–Speed
SPYC Charlevoix 12.4 3.10 2.48 2.07 1.77
SPYC East Jordan 16 4.00 3.20 2.67 2.29
Charlevoix Bay Harbor 13 3.25 2.60 2.17 1.86
Charlevoix Petoskey 15 3.75 3.00 2.50 2.14
Charlevoix Harb Springs 16 4.00 3.20 2.67 2.29
Charlevoix Leland 29 5.00 4.00 3.33 2.86
Charlevoix Elk Rapids 30 7.50 6.00 5.00 4.29
Charlevoix Northport 21 5.25 4.20 3.50 3.00
Charlevoix Sutton’s Bay 30 7.50 6.00 5.00 4.29
Charlevoix Beaver Is 31 7.75 6.20 5.17 4.43
Charlevoix St. Helena Is 43 10.75 8.60 7.17 6.14
Beaver Is St Helena Is 32 8.00 6.40 5.33 4.57
Beaver Is Mackinac Is 41 10.25 8.20 6.83 5.86
St. Helena Is Mackinac Is 11 2.75 2.20 1.83 1.57
Sutton’s Bay Traverse Cty 17 4.25 3.40 2.83 2.43
Sutton’s Bay Elk Rapids 15 3.75 3.00 2.50 2.14
Under power boat speed generally 8 miles per hour (7 knots)
Under sail 5-7 mph is fair to expect with wind speeds of 10-15 mph. This does not allow for tacking
Shorter trips each day are best. We’ll still sail and play a full day and time it to get in before 5pm.
We’ll want to plan your longer days at the beginning, to make sure we get you home on time.

One Commentto Sailing Distances and Times

  1. says:

    Where would you want to sail?

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